Long time no see again

And Again its been a long time since I have posted for and there are some reasons but the most part is just me being lazy. There is not much to say other than well I was being very lazy and some school trouble and loads of homework. I was also busy working on graphic designs which I am now very good at and I make very cool banners for people. I made a new channel RoastedChickenMC please check that out and subscribe. My Internet is running very choppy they said they were having some issues and they would try fix them as soon as possible. I however will have a tutorial blog up for something very interesting I figured that you could do with Word Press and Windows Live. That a Spoiler Alert so Make sure you Follow for that. A lot more discussion blogs are about to be put into Masblogs which include all of you guys so make sure you check them out.

So Hopefully this short update blog got you in the update of the reason of what’s keeping me back (My Internet) and make sure you blow up the like button, follow to stay updated and share the love.

Whats up for the past day?

I totally forgot I had to blog yesterday so I decided to do it today. Yesterday was a simple day I did nothing and I stayed home. Well actually I had lots of homework so I woke up and did that. Then I went shopping to get things for a cool egg lasagne. After that I finished my homework and discovered a new game which I then played till night, after that I watched a movie with my family and that was yesterday in a paragraph.

Today I went no where and I had my last piece of Homework to do when I finished that I started playing the game I found yesterday for around 2-3 hours. Then my mum made me lasagne which took like 2 hours. We then had that and then my dad went to work me and mum are now home and we are making things for sweets. Thats today in a paragraph 😀 . But trust me a day can not be explained in a paragraph I somehow did it but..>>..<<

Hopefully you liked that make sure you torture the like button and Share and Follow to stay updated.

Whats up today?!?

Sorry for this late post bur I was gone to my class really early in the morning and then after that I went to a shopping centre with my friend.

Around 12:30 I was done with my class and then I went home as soon as I reached home I got changed and I went out to subway with my friends we had a lot of fun as we had really cool burgers and nice drinks and then we played in a park after that long day we went home from such a long day and around 4:00 PM I got home and then I had some sweet chicken curry after that I spent some time with my family and now I am here writing this blog.

if you liked the blog then please torture the like button and follow as well to say updated also share the love.

How did I get into blogging?

So I decided to tell you guys why I got into blogging and how.

I did not know anything about blogging I had never heard of it till I got to year 5. In year 5 we learnt about it in IT and my teacher told us to make blogs on something called Kidsblog . I never had heard of it so our teacher told us to carry on blogging and he saw all our blogs. I found it really fun and I thought of carrying it on a year later which was in year 6 since then I have blogged and I have found it very interesting. So thanks to my teachers I got into blogging and now I find it one of the most fun things to do 😀

If you enjoyed the blog then please do leave a like and follow make sure you also share the love!

Why do you blog?!

So I had been thinking for a topic to blog on for a while. I finally came up with this one over around 2 days!

So the question is why do you blog? There are a lot of reasons of blogging now and some of these are just not what I feel blogging should be about. Some people today blog for fun which is definitely awesome and that is certainly why I do it!

I blog for fun and so I can tell others about me and I want entertain others from my blogs.

Now if you do anyone of the above your really cool and your just the right blogger in my opinion!

But the sad thing is that some people do not blog for that, they blog for money 😦 . Mind me here but there are some people that have no interest in this and they just do it for money. Blogging should not be done for money it should be done for fun.

But the Question is Why do you blog??

Make sure you leave a comment down below telling me why you blog. If you enjoyed the blog please do leave a like and follow to stay updated and make sure to share the love.

Whats up today?!

So Todays day is not as long as I am not going anywhere. I only have to do something in the morning which is now and I will be back at 1:00pm after that I will do some Homework and then I am free for the rest of the day. I am trying to do this as quick as I can because I have to go to something!

So that’s really today nothing special just a normal life. Go ahead show me some love and torture the like button and I will carry on posting updates on my life :D!

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Why is Blog not a word?

After such a long time of BLOGGING I have realized every time I write the word blog it comes up with a red underline underneath which means the word is not recognized or is spelt wrong. I do not get why after the millions of people who do it and the word is still not recognized?

I believe that blogging should be a word and so should vlog. Who else is with me on this? Because Blogging is basically writing about yourself now whoever came up with this word needs to go to the English Dictionary and get it put in their! Because I do not want no scribbly read lines in my work 😀


Whats up now?

Its been a long day, I went to a hotel called Jimmy Spices in the morning you should my blog as well before this which explains my morning. Then my dad had to go fix his car so me and my mum went shopping. I got myself some useful coloured paper as I craft lots of things with paper mostly oragami but I do Knives and guns as well!

After that I got home and I did my homework I totally forgot about it and for those of you that are in secondary school or have been in one will know how much you get especially when you have a holidays!

Then I started using my new paper to make loads of cool designs and things after that I am sitting here which is know and I am blogging about my life!

Make sure you follow and Smash and Blow and Torture that like button!

Todays Schedule

I just woke up around 9:30 as I had slept late last night. So what is the plan for today you ask..?

Today I am going to a restaurant with my family called Jimmy Spices. You have probably heard of it before if you have not lets tell you.

Jimmy Spices is a restaurant where instead of having people serving you, you chose your own food from A HUGE Variety of dishes, Indian,american,German,Asian,Chinese,English and more! You get up with a plate and go around the place picking up whatever you want. There different sections my personal favourite is the Desert Section. There is a really famous Chocolate Fountain there. Yeah you heard me a chocolate fountain

The Chocolate fountain is mostly used by people to put marshmallows inside it!


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How to have a proper holiday?!

There are a lot of ways to enjoy your holidays like going to other countries or sightseeing which are both really good options but sometimes its either really hard or just not what you want to do. Personally I suggest resorts and theme parks which are what I will talk about now!

Theme Parks are amazing the rides,shops,people,things,food,big places, activities and lots of more things. Usually there are lots of Theme Parks and its often that one will be close to you that’s why that’s a good option!

Resorts like Alton Towers also a good option but there are not a lot of them but when you do get to go there its amazing! The Things,Sights,People,Rides,Things and Shops!

Now often the problem is the cost, which I totally understand loads of these things cost around 30-40 £ a Person and if you are with a big family you can spend lots of money. Well know theres a solution.

There is something called a Merlin Annual Pass, which lets you go to all resorts and theme parks for free also the shops inside you get discounts for them. This cost around £85 Standard and 95 or I think £99 Premium. Note this is not Specific and from what I remember that was the price or maybe higher. For more detail click HERE .

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